
e&m 九连真人 NF




Verse 1

Nah ey不能凑合 必须让自己够格
看够了身边的各种丑恶 让人休克
Nah 我得执着 要饭也不能苟活
Oh 像笨重机器一样 活着脸上没任何的表情
妈妈说要有欲望 自己的战役不能当逃兵
手中无寸铁面对巨浪 好人有事就抱紧自己
聚光灯照亮一声巨响 我本性难移从来不消停
Do what u wanna do say what u wanna say (用内心掌控自己的所做所说)
Your life's all about u (自己的人生自己做主)
Nobody gives a fuck (没人会帮你排忧解难)
Throw away key to lock (最终必须狠下心来)
You'd be ready to take what u wanna (才能得到一直以来梦寐以求的)
虽然会巨紧张 立场我不会忘 就算失败也不能哭
我不认输 不被吩咐 多冷都不穿秋裤

Verse 2

像梦一样 踩着云朵去远方
心里像装着开关 他们不过是过往
向前浪 做我力所能及撕掉这伪装
看到的全都是海市蜃楼 有谁跟我一样感同身受
只有家人兄弟替我分忧 今后不轻易开口
Im never done til the day i wear the crown (在戴上'王冠'之前我不会放弃)
不畏艰险就算有荆棘也要刚 冲风破浪
Go all the way up to the limitless high (一路上升到没有止境的制高点)




囊来上山 囊来下山
(怎样混好了回家 出去了能做什么)
求谁冇用 民古兼囧
涯阿明 一定会出人头地 日进斗金
(我阿明 一定会出人头地 日进斗金)
如今啊 看毋起 放毋落 冇钱冇着落
(如今啊 眼高手低 奔波不安稳)
毋使狂啊 以后涯有钱给话
(不用担心 让我出去打拼)
屋卡人啊 一定有出头嘅日概


哎呀 你妹啋嘅笑嘻嘻


(爸 你别瞧不起我)

Verse 1

Yeah, when I grow up, you know what I wanna be?
Take a seat, let me tell you my ridiculous dreams
I wanna rap—yeah, I know it's hard to believe
And I can tell you're already thinkin' I will never succeed
But I'm okay with it, I admit the lyrics are weak
I've been workin' on 'em, I'll be good eventually
I understand you gotta crawl before you get to your feet
But I've been running for a while, they ain't ready for me (Ahh)
I know this prolly isn't really realistic
And honestly, I might not ever make a difference
But that don't make a difference, I'ma have to risk it
I've been crunchin' numbers, you ain't gotta be a mathematician
To see the odds ain't rootin' for me
I can't lie though, that's kinda how I like it to be
The underdog, yeah, you prolly think you know what I mean
But what I'm saying is—they ever push me, I'm gonna swing, yeah
I could go to college, get in debt like everybody else
Graduate and prolly get a job that doesn't pay the bills
That don't make a lot of sense to me, forget the Happy Meals
I don't like the dollar menu, I would rather make a meal
Huh? Make a mil'? Naw, I said make a meal
Home cookin', get the grill
How you want it? Pretty well
Everything I'm seeing is overdone to me, I'm not Adele
But I'ma get a record deal and say hello to mass appeal

Verse 2

I'ma make 'em notice me, rhyming like it's poetry
Everything I oversee, I just like to overthink
Mockin' me, you pay the fee
No return and no receipts
Those of you that don't believe—quiet, you don't know a thing
Quiet when I'm tryna to sing
Quiet when I'm making beats
Quiet when I'm tryna to think!
Sorry, I don't mean to scream
I just feel like no one really gets me and it's sad to see
'Cause someday I'ma grow up and show all of you it's meant to be (Yeah)
Anybody wanna hear me rap, no
C'mon let me play a couple tracks, no
C'mon I can spit it really fast, no
You think I should throw this in the trash, no
Tricked ya, haters go away before I hit ya
I am not a beggar or a kiss up
You don't understand well I forgive ya
I am not a quitter
You ain't really think that did ya?
Maybe someday I could even be up on the radio
Have a tour bus and maybe even play a couple shows
Everybody in the crowd singing every word I wrote
Tellin me that I am not the only one that feels alone
You feel alone yeah I kinda feel alone
Wonder if that feelin ever goes away when you get old
Will I ever make it as artist I don't really know
Might not make a lot of dough
I'ma have to try it though

2017年,24岁的艺术家 Coco Capitan 与 Gucci 合作的涂鸦也是一样的感觉:

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